Monday, 3 March 2014


In our previous article of the February 11, we asked ourselves about the teacher’s role regarding how to teach entrepreneurship.

In that commentary, we stressed to the readers the pedagogical skills’ importance. We asserted that teachers needed to know how encourage the process of learning in order to make competent workers, entrepreneurs, citizens, etc.

In this article we introduce three tools for developing the teacher’ pedagogical skills. All of them are included in the called PEDAGOGY OF DISCOVER:

·         Webquest methodology:
A webquest is an educational initiative of guided research, which mainly used Internet resources. It considers the development of basic skills, teamwork and provides individual accountability, prioritizing the construction of knowledge by transforming information into creating a product and contains a direct evaluation of the process and results.
The Webquest is a learning model based on the use of Internet and ICTs resources. The VET students do research and team working while they develop ICT skills and get knowledge. Webquest encourages them to investigate and improve their critical thinking and problem solving.
It was created by Bernie Dodge in 1.995

·         PBL methodology:
The problems based on the Learning is a didactic methodology which students build their knowledge basing on real-life problems. This methodology seeks to achieve:
o   Promoting student responsibility for their own learning
o   Working in classroom situations similar to real world
o   Developing certain skills that involve a commitment to lifelong learning.
o   Ordering and structuring information

·         Project work:
Project work is achieving knowledge and skills by analysing, interpreting, synthesizing information and doing a summary from a subject or centre of interest chosen by the student.

We think that the most interesting methodology for teaching entrepreneurship is a blended of these three methodologies highlighting the project work.

Form ENTANGLE Consortium we have developed a training program that takes into account this approach. We put the training program in the intersection of the three types of skills. We call this cross ENTANGLE UP.

Miguel Delgado
CETEI-Fundació Joan XXIII. 

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