Friday, 13 September 2013


There is one fact that should be noted: 70% of jobs are created by Small and Medium enterprises (SMEs). SMEs and, therefore, entrepreneurs are a key factor in the process of generating employment and wealth in any country. In light of this data, it is clear that we can not leave entrepreneurs without the support and adequate resources.

In this regard, knowing the views of entrepreneurs about success factors for a company and the main problems for the implementation of a business can be very useful for enhancing success and preventing problems.

In this post we will focus on the success factors according to the entrepreneurs. Let us see which factors are:

Author: Miguel Delgado
Source: Informe del Observatorio del clima emprendedor. Fundación Iniciador,

Author: Miguel Delgado
Source: Informe del Observatorio del clima emprendedor. Fundación Iniciador,

The previous data analysis confirms the importance of customer service and market knowledge which is even more significant than having our own funds. However, we can not ignore the importance entrepreneurs confer to training.

Regarding this last aspect, we do not doubt that Vocational Training can become a generator of business projects. So, it is time now for teachers of vocational training, in general, and teachers of enterprise and entrepreneurship, in particular, to transfer  to students the attitude and adequate training to embark on these ventures. The problem is that sometimes teachers do not have adequate teaching tools to achieve it.

The aim of the project ENTANGLE is to give teachers the appropriate tools and skills to guide future entrepreneurs in their way to success in business.

 Miguel Delgado
CETEI- Joan XXIII Foundation.

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