Tuesday 1 July 2014

Rozvoj a zvyšovanie kompetencií lektorov a pedagógov v oblasti rozvoja podnikateľských zručností v odbornom vzdelávaní a príprave

Podnikateľské vzdelávanie je v súčasnosti aktuálnou témou v odbornom vzdelávaní. Podnikateľské zručnosti nie sú iba nevyhnutným predpokladom založenia úspešnej firmy, ale sú dôležité i pre zamestnancov. Podnikateľské vzdelávanie je dôležitá súčasť všeobecného vzdelávania, v stredoškolskom odbornom vzdelávaní sa s obľubou realizuje napríklad prostredníctvom cvičných firiem, ktoré spájajú teóriu a prax. Podnikateľské zručnosti boli zaradené medzi kľúčové kompetencie v oblasti vzdelávania a odbornej prípravy a sú súčasťou celoživotného vzdelávania. Jedným z dôvodov podpory podnikateľského vzdelávania je i snaha o zníženie nezamestnanosti a podpora zaradenia mladých ľudí do pracovného procesu. V súlade s prioritami výzvy a iniciatívami stratégie Európa 2020 (Inovácia v Únii,  Mládež v pohybe a Program pre nové zručnosti a nové pracovné miesta) by podnikateľské vzdelávanie malo byť obsahovo  orientované  na  posilnenie aktívneho postoja študentov k vlastnej budúcnosti, na zvýšenie príťažlivosti podnikania ako príležitosti, na rozvíjanie podnikateľského myslenia a podporu podnikateľských postojov, na posilnenie kreativity a inovatívneho prístupu, ako aj na rozvíjanie prierezových (prenositeľných, meta-) kompetencií a osobitne na kľúčovú kompetenciu „podnikavosť a inovatívnosť“.
            Európske krajiny majú niektoré podobnosti ale rovnako aj rozdiely. Každá krajina vlastný ekonomický a politický vývoj, ale mnohé z nich majú rovnaký problém - vysokú úroveň miery nezamestnanosti mladých ľudí. Tento jav je intenzívnejší a to najmä po roku 2008, kedy ekonomická kríza začala a pokračuje k tomuto dňu. Súčasná hospodárska kríza je považovaná za skutočne hlbokú krízu. Nasledujúca tabuľka obsahuje informácie o miere nezamestnanosti mládeže v partnerských krajinách projektu.
Miera nezamestnanosti mládeže v každej partnerskej krajine projektu (%)

Podnikanie je možnosť, ako prekonať súčasnú situáciu; je nevyhnutnou podmienkou pre hospodársky rast a rozvoj. Podnikanie je dôležité najmä v období štrukturálnych zmien a meniacej sa globálnej deľbe práce. Podnikanie podľa aktuálnych požiadaviek je dôležitou súčasťou vzdelávania a najmä odborného vzdelávania. Aktuálna je spoločná potreba rozvíjať a aktualizovať kvalifikáciu a kompetencie v odbornom vzdelávaní a príprave učiteľov v . Existuje mnoho dôvodov, napríklad: globalizácia, čo znamená, že priemysel a služby potrebujú nové kompetencie a schopnosti pre zabezpečenie konkurencieschopnosti vnútri aj mimo ; populácia starne; menia sa odborné kvalifikácie; množstvo nekvalifikovaných alebo čiastočne kvalifikovaných pracovných síl s ich ochotu učiť sa nové zručnosti výzvou pre súčasnosť.

Monday 2 June 2014

Alternative teaching methods

Online magazine Mental_floss publishes an interesting article about 5 alternative teaching methods which are widely used in XXI century. Read the article to learn about:

- Montessori who believed that children were born with absorbent minds and were fully capable of self-directed learning;
-Waldorf / Steiner who believed there were three 7-year periods of child development with certain aspects should and should not be taught during each of these stages;
- Harkness who's method is based on a round table instead of specific curriculum or a particular ideology;
- Reggio  Emilia teaching which emphasizes the importance of parents taking an active role in their child's early education;
- Sudbury philosophy which believes students are capable of assuming a certain level of responsibility and of making sound decisions.

Is there anything in these methods you can apply in your classroom?

Monday 19 May 2014


In this article, we are going to keep on speaking about the 2.013 Spanish Entrepreneurship Status.

According with Spain Starup and IE Business School report, the Spanish Entrepreneurship Map is:
  • 77% of entrepreneurs are men and 23 % women.
  • 40% of entrepreneurs are between 25 and 34 years old.
  • 50% of them have a university degree.
  • 68 % of them spend their time in their enterprise adventure
  • 20 % of the new business are related with new technologies: Internet and Web.
  • 33% of the new business are only 1 year old.

In Spain, there is a boom about entrepreneurship: there are TV programs like Código Emprende broadcast by Tele 5 TV and Incubadora de negocios by Cuatro TV. There are a lot of new books about entrepreneurship, politicians are committed with entrepreneurship and even we have a new entrepreneurship law but the problem is not resolved.

Youngers do not have the proper information and tools. They need to think very well the idea, after they need advice about the business plan and, at the end, they need to be boosted by business incubators.

School has a responsibility in this subject. School has to teach knowledge and entrepreneurship skills. It is the most important side of the discussion.

What are the skills needed by Youngers? Here you have a short list:
  • Initiative
  • Teamwork
  • Empathy
  • Collaboration
  • Time management
  • Public speaking
  • Management meeting

Much remain to be done but in Spain has had a change: nowadays undertaking is seen better than some years ago. It is the first step. School will have it easier.

The aim of the ENTANGLE’s consortium is to help entrepreneurs and give teachers the appropriate tools and skills to guide the adventure of undertaking a business.

Miguel Delgado
CETEI-Fundació Joan XXIII.

Friday 16 May 2014

Can entrepreneurship be taught or is it a talent to be born with?

After Wall street journal published the article „Teaching Entrepreneurship Gets anIncomplete, educators, businessmen and future entrepreneurs started discussing if entrepreneurship can be taught or it is a talent to be born with.  

University of St. Gallen presented a video which denies 10 most common myths of starting a business proving that entrepreneurship can be learned. Entrepreneurs develop businesses using resources they have – their identity, competencies, and contacts. Business is not like baking a cake where you have the perfect recipe and go find the ingredients. It‘s the opposite. You see what you have and decide where you can get with this.

Debbie Kedar from Ben Gurion University notes that „Learning is always enriching - whatever you "do" with the knowledge and skills you gain!! Remaining open-minded and curious, willing and eager to expand your horizons is key to a full life - professional and otherwise.“ Carl Dahlberg, Independent Research Professional, thinks that „it is a good idea to teach many people about entrepreneurship. This type of mindset will help them and the organisations they work for. Will they become "the entrepreneur" probably not but they will bring with them and develop their approach to change and development.“ On the other hand, B.L. William Wong from Middlesex University is sure, that „it takes a certain type of personality to become an entrepreneur, e.g. risk taker, imaginative, wheeler-dealer, opportunist, extremely determined, willing to keep trying despite failure ... knowledge about such skills can be learned; but actually being very good at it requires that special "thing" that some are born with“. And this part calls for identity, which exactly is analyzed in the video as one of the main resources of entrepreneurship. 

An educational initiative ENTANGLE is tackling pedagogical competencies of entrepreneurship teachers promoting Business Model Canvas as a tool to teach students. In May 2014, project partner FITIN has organised ENTANGLE seminar for students interested in business education. 

ENTANGLE workshop in Vilnius, Lithuania
Although participants enjoyed the workshop a lot, some of the feedback came „I understood business was not for me“. This example illustrates that entrepreneurship is a mindset and thus requires a certain type of identity to be present. Knowing that, a person might well choose to be an employee instead of employer. On the other hand, companies prefer employees with an entrepreneurial mindset, capable to contribute to business success instead of plainly executing orders. 

To end with, every person is free to step outside the comfort zone and develop one’s personality to meet the challenges of entrepreneurship at one level or another.